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Godziny zwiedzania

Przyjmujemy grupy minimum 10 osobowe, po wcześniejszej rezerwacji w każdy dzień tygodnia o godz. 9:00; 12:00 i 15:00

Można rezerwować imprezy wieloosobowe na cały dzień.


Kochany 8, Jastkowice k. Stalowej Woli

Lasy Janowskie



Właściciel (Zbigniew Koczwara): 15 824 4290

Obsługa zamówień online (Monika): 669713788

Karczma (Joanna): 

Unlock a world of cultural exploration with our Adults Membership Package. For just $25, you gain exclusive access to our museum’s remarkable exhibitions, captivating events, and thought-provoking lectures. Immerse yourself in art, history, and innovation as you embrace the wonders that await within our doors.

Seniors, embrace the gift of lifelong learning with our Seniors Membership Package. At the affordable rate of $10, you can experience the transformative power of art and history. Engage with like-minded individuals, attend stimulating workshops, and embark on a journey of intellectual growth. Join us as we celebrate the richness of life’s experiences.

Ignite your curiosity and fuel your passion for knowledge with our Students Membership Package. For just $10, students aged 12 and above can unlock a world of inspiration and creativity. Immerse yourself in our thought-provoking exhibitions, attend educational workshops, and broaden your horizons through engaging experiences designed specifically for young minds.

  • Osada Kochany

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  • Karczma Kochańska

    Aenean non laoreet enim. Nullam sit amet aliquam mauris, quis dignissim est. Morbi id orci at sem consequat lobortis nec nec elit. Aenean non laoreet enim. Nullam sit amet aliquam mauris, quis dignissim.

At our esteemed institution, we offer a range of membership types designed to suit diverse interests and age groups. Each membership package grants exclusive access to our exceptional facilities, exhibitions, and events, fostering a deeper connection with art, history, and culture. Explore the unique advantages of each membership type:


9:00 ; 12:00 ; 15:00, w grupach minimum 10 osób po wcześniejszej rezerwacji


Kochany 8, Jastkowice gmina Pysznica koło Stalowej Woli

Zwiedzanie osady odbywa się wyłącznie w grupach minimum 10 osobowych po wcześniejszej rezerwacji. Organizujemy również konferencje, warsztaty tematyczne, plenery, grille.